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1. Climb the Kaggle ranks, learn how to optimize the XGBoost algorithm (
1 point by fabdrnd 1423 days ago | discuss
2. How to use Google API Vision for OCR (Python notebooks included) (
1 point by fabdrnd 1424 days ago | discuss
3. What is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)? An introduction with Python. (
1 point by fabdrnd 1474 days ago | discuss
4. Clean up your data science mess! (
2 points by fabdrnd 1480 days ago | discuss
5. An overview of the different types of loss functions you can use when training Neural Networks (
1 point by fabdrnd 1499 days ago | discuss
6. Explainable AI for the enterprise is about who owns AI projects in your company (
1 point by fabdrnd 1501 days ago | discuss
7. Deep Learning: What are activation functions? An overview using Python (
2 points by fabdrnd 1506 days ago | discuss
8. Visualize all your NLP metrics to decide which ML algorithms to choose from (
1 point by fabdrnd 1521 days ago | discuss
9. NLP for text classification: classical Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning (
1 point by fabdrnd 1523 days ago | discuss
10. Experience end-to-end data science without coding (
2 points by fabdrnd 1537 days ago | discuss